To join the Foundation, use the Donate button below and specify which Membership Level you would like in the “Add special instructions to the seller” box when you complete your donation with PayPal. Alternatively, you may download and print this membership application form (PDF file) or request an application by calling us at 252.794.3140 or using our contact form.
As a member of the Historic Hope Foundation, you will join the growing number of people who believe in preserving and educating the nation about the significant role he Historic Hope Foundation and North Carolina have played in shaping the history of our state and nation, all while receiving a number of benefits based on your level of support.
Your membership and support help us continue to introduce future generations to our distinctive past through educational programs and research. To join the Foundation, use the Donate button below and then select the Membership level in the “Use this donation for” in PayPal. When you go to complete your donation, there will be a box that says, “Add special instructions to the seller”. Please specify which Membership Level you selected. We will mail you a membership card within 2-3 weeks.
Membership Levels:
Individual Annual Membership – $40 Free admission to the historic houses 10% discount on purchases at the Gift Shop. | Family Annual Membership – $60 Free admission to the historic houses 10% discount on purchase at the Gift.Shop |
Contributing Member – $61 – $99 Free admission to the historic houses 10% discount on purchase at the Gift Shop. | Patron – $100 – $499 Free admission to the historic houses 15% discount on purchase at the Gift Shop. |
Benefactor – $500 – $999 Free admission to the historic houses plus two guests 15% discount on purchase at the Gift Shop. Member of Margaret and Jack Tyler Leadership Circle Free attendance at two paid programs or events at Hope Plantation. | Governor Stone’s Cabinet – $1,000 and above Free admission to the historic houses plus four guests 20% discount on purchase at the Gift Shop Member Margaret and Jack Tyler Leadership Circle Free attendance to all paid programs or events at Hope Plantation Listing (or logo) on all major program announcements and Hope membership brochure." |