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Want to plan an event with us? We host wedding ceremonies, receptions, corporate dinners, and family celebrations. Our Heritage Center, Hope Mansion Grounds and the King-Bazemore House Grounds are available to rent. Learn more.
Historic Hope’s 31th annual Black History Month Program that was originally scheduled to be held on Saturday, February 22th has been rescheduled due to icy road conditions to Saturday, March 1st from 9:30 AM to 1:00 PM in the Roanoke-Chowan Heritage Center. The title of the program is “Bertie County and Roanoke Chowan Cultural Heritage Keepers”. Caroline F. Stephenson will present a lecture on “Deeply Rooted, Alice Eley Jones, Historian”. She will be followed by a discussion of the significant contributions of three Cultural Heritage Gate Keepers who are Life Members of the Board of Directors of the Historic Hope Foundation: Mrs. Ollie P. Bond, Mrs. Coleen P. McGlone, and Mrs. Connie Richardson. Registration for lectures and lunch is $25 plus tax. Register by clicking on “Book Now” or by calling 252-794-3140.