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Want to plan an event with us? We host wedding ceremonies, receptions, corporate dinners, and family celebrations. Our Heritage Center, Hope Mansion Grounds and the King-Bazemore House Grounds are available to rent. Learn more.
We are so excited to host the 13th Annual Family History and Genealogy Fair. This year’s topic is “Connecting your ancestral roots in Bertie County to the life and time of Hannah (Bond) Crafts.
Our speakers this year are:
Dr. Turner Bond Sutton, the President of Historic Hope Foundation
Dr. Benjamin Speller., Jr., the Vice President of Historic Hope Foundation and the Program Chair of this event
Dr. Stephen Bond
Registration and Continental Breakfast begins at 9:30 am
Our Program starts at 10:00 am and will go until approximately 3:00 pm. Lunch is available at noon for $20 per person and you must pre-register by Thursday, July 25th. You can register for our event via the Book Now button or by calling our office.
Click here for a copy of our flyer.