Un/Dis/ReCovering the Past: Historical Archaeology in Northeastern North Carolina
April 14 2012 at the Roanoke-Chowan Visitor’s Center
$35.00 adults | $25.00 students with valid ids
9:30 am
Registration and coffee
Welcome: Triumph and Tragedy: The African-American Past in the Archaeological Record
Garrett R. Fesler, Ph.D.
Dr. Fesler is a partner and a Senior Archaeologist/Principal Investigator in The James River Institute for Archaeology and he has more than 19 years of experience in Virginia, Maryland, and North Carolina working on historic and prehistoric archaeological sites
11:00 a.m.
Traditions in African American Archaeology
Anna Agbe-Davies, Ph.D.
Anna Agbe-Davies teaches in the anthropology department at UNC-Chapel Hill. She is an historical archaeologist with research interests in the plantation societies of the colonial southeastern U.S. and Caribbean, as well as towns and cities of the 19th and 20th century Midwest, with a particular focus on the African diaspora.
11:45 a.m.
Refreshment Break
12:00 pm
Forgotten Wharves: Preliminary Findings at the Bowling Farm Site, 001CSR, Bertie County, NC
Theresa Hicks and Becky Bowling
1:00 p.m.
Exploring the Sea’s Mysteries: A Glimpse at the Queen Anne’s Revenge Shipwreck Project
Shanna Daniel
Shanna Daniel is Curator of the Queen Anne Revenge Project
2:00 p.m.
Lunch and tours of the buildings on the Hope campus