Historic Hope Foundation, 132 Hope House Road, Windsor, NC 27983
In lieu of salary, a house with 2 bedrooms including a utility allowance. Vacation and sick leave will be provided.
Duties include: ensuring the security and safety of the buildings; inspection of the buildings and grounds daily after each event/function; routine maintenance of the buildings; and assistance with the upkeep of the grounds and events as needed.
Requirements: Computer skills and adept in using e-mail and text messaging; general knowledge of repair and maintenance of equipment.
Ideal for a small family, a retired couple, or individual. Request a complete job description by calling 252-794-3140 or e-mailing tbs402@gmail.com. Qualified candidates will be interviewed during the week of February 4th. Two references with contact information required.
Caretaker Job Description
QUALIFICATIONS: The Caretaker should be an alert, energetic person in good health and excellent hearing and vision with at least a high school education. He/she should be at least 25 years old. He/she is responsible for the following:
ARTICLE I: Security of the Premises
DUTIES: Custody, opening and closing and inspection of buildings and grounds.
Section A: The protection and safety of the buildings and their contents at Historic Hope Plantation against theft, vandalism, fire and weather elements to such extent possible, is the paramount responsibility of the Caretaker. He/she should take every precaution and security measure available in providing this service of caring for the Hope property. He/she should monitor the security cameras 24/7 or make provisions for someone else to monitor them in his/her absence. He/she should notify other staff members if he/she is going to leave the premises during normal working hours. He/she should check all of the houses and Roanoke Chowan Heritage Center in the morning before opening (10:00 am) and afternoon after closing (4:00 pm), to make sure the doors were/are locked and thermostats have been set at the proper temperature.
The Caretaker should stay on the premises every night. Whenever he/she stays away overnight or longer for whatever warranted reason (such as vacation, family illness, etc.) he/she must request authorization for the absence from the President and notify the Bertie County Sherriff’s Office of the days he/she will be absent. The Caretaker should not be absent over 4 nights per month and at least 4 days advance notice should be given for each planned absence.
Section B: The Caretaker should inspect the theft security system and all interior and exterior lights including the flood light on the entrance sign weekly and make any necessary repairs.
Section C: The Caretaker must be familiar with computers and adept in using e-mail and text messaging. These are important means for keeping in contact with the President and other officers.
Section D: The Caretaker must keep the telephone number of Windsor Fire Department, Bertie County Sheriff’s Office and Vidant Bertie County Hospital quickly available at all times.
Section E: Each day the Caretaker needs to unlock the public toilets at 9:00 am and lock them after the activities at Hope have ended. He/she is to see that they are cleaned and supplied. He/she is responsible for “winterizing” the public toilets at the appropriate time and closing them for the season.
ARTICLE II: Grounds and Buildings and Duties at Scheduled Functions
Section A: The Caretaker shall be responsible for policing the grounds, helping mow the lawns, maintain the shrubbery, weed-eating and other duties as necessary. He/she should help maintain the nature trails. He/she is also be responsible for minor repairs to all the buildings (and grounds) on the site.
Section B: The President or Event Coordinator will inform the Caretaker as to dates of events that will be taking place at Hope at least one week in advance so that lawn care and proper set-up can be scheduled to coincide with these events. The Caretaker will assist with events as necessary and ensure that the buildings are locked after all events. The Caretaker may need to be present at events in the evening/night.
Section C: The Caretaker is in charge of all lawn mowers, tools, hoses, and electrical cords etc., involved in keeping of the grounds. He/shewill keep them in good repair and immediately notify the President when repairs are needed beyond his/her responsibilities. Tools should be properly stored and maintained.
Section D: The Caretaker will supervise grounds workers provided by the Title V Employment Program or other workers that may be hired by state or federal agencies or Hope itself.
ARTICLE III. Professionalism
Section A: The Caretaker shall dress in a professional manner during all functions. In most cases a dress shirt, pants and shoes are all that is required.
Section B: The Caretaker shall act professionally at all events and should not socialize with guests during the event. The Caretaker will not consume any alcohol before or during the event.
BENEFITS PACKAGE: In exchange for the before mentioned sections’ custodial duties, Historic Hope Foundation proposes to provide the following,
- As a condition of employment, the Caretaker must reside without rent in the Cox house on the Hope property.
B. Hope will pay for the installation and the base rate for a cell phone and internet service.
C. Hope will provide electrical service in the average amount of $125 monthly for a yearly amount not to exceed $1,500. Any charges exceeding this annual amount will be the responsibility of the Caretaker.
D. Historic Hope Foundation will provide LP gas for heating not to exceed $1,200/year. Any charges exceeding this annual amount will be the responsibility of the Caretaker.
E. The Caretaker will have the use of several outbuildings at the Caretaker residence site as long as they are kept in presentable condition.
F. The Caretaker will be reimbursed at the prevailing rate allowed by the IRS for use of his/her personal vehicle for Hope business.
G. Leave – Sick – 1 day per month. Sick leave credits earned but not used are carried forward into subsequent years of employment to a maximum of 15 days. Vacation – 2 weeks after 6 months in the position. Vacation time earned but not used are carried forward into subsequent years of employment to a maximum of 30 days. Vacation time is taken after consulting with the President and making arrangement for security of the site. The President should be notified when sick leave is taken so that arrangements can be made for security of the site.